Our Spices, Salts, Oils, Blends and Rubs are all made organically, ifused with the most pure essential oils in the market today (we specifically use doTERRA EO´s).
Yummys Fit - Essential Oils Infused Spices and Sauces.
SKU: 364215376135191
$20.00 Regular Price
$15.00Sale Price
We optmize our customers experiences and have been working a lot with custom-special made orders according to your preferences!
However here we feature some of our most popular EO´s infused items: Kosher Salts, Olive Olis, Spice Blends and Sauces.
Choose from: Hot Spicy, Yum-Yum Sauce, Italian Style, Mexican Rub, Asian Flur, Grounding Blends (Clove, Cinammon, Caraway, Fennel), Oceanside (Wild Orange, Peppermint, Rosemary, Lemon-Lime, Cilantro)...